Hotel SEO requires a creative approach: despite its heavily local nature, the hospitality search space is incredibly competitive. Compounding this problem, the keywords that the average SEO marketer chooses to target are already dominated by the largest hotel chains.
That’s where we come in. At First Page Sage, we’ve been working with hotels, resorts, and even private islands for over 12 years. We’ve pioneered the thought leadership-based approach to SEO, using an intimate understanding of searcher psychology combined with industry leading content to carve out valuable search niches for our clients.
Hotels have partnered with us to create:
- A blog series on private island vacations targeting high net worth international travelers
- A white paper on event production costs in the Chicago metropolitan area
- Landing pages on hotel loyalty and rewards programs for business travelers
- A series of guides to family-friendly attractions in the San Francisco Bay Area
SEO results in excellent ROI for hotels and other hospitality companies, averaging $1.1M per year in new, net revenue. Visitors that originate from organic search convert at a higher rate than from other sources, leading to lowered CACs.
SEO ROI for Institutions of Higher Learning
Other Relevant SEO Stats for Hotels:
- Average engagement rate: 57%
- Average time on site: 2:35
- Landing page conversion rate: 1.0%
Hotel SEO: Our Approach
Over the years, Google has tweaked its algorithm to prioritize high quality content that responds to searchers’ queries. That’s why our approach to hotel SEO prioritizes three things:
- Fully understanding the search intent behind each keyword we target
- Using the Hub & Spoke model to maximize the effects of Niche Expertise
- Consistently creating and publishing the best content available on the web
To do this, we begin by interviewing you and your team to build a complete understanding of your target audience and why they travel to your city. We’ll build customer personas for each type of traveller that chooses to stay with you, whether they’re busy executives, event production specialists, families on vacation, summer backpackers, or anyone else in need of lodging. Most of all, we want to understand why they choose your hotel over your competitors, so we can develop a strategy that precisely targets the local, transactional keywords that will give you the highest ROI.
After the initial groundwork is laid, we move into the meat of the campaign: consistently producing high quality content. Whether it’s a blog article, landing page, or more specialized format, our writers will produce authoritative, thought leadership content that becomes the gold standard for hotels in your area. Our editors will then ensure that each piece of content conversion-optimized and meets your brand guidelines, and our reporting team will keep a close eye on leading indicators to ensure that we’re on the right track. By the end of a campaign, your website will organically provide a steady stream of new customers.
If you’re ready to learn more about our SEO services for hotels, contact us below: